8.4 Inversion

Generalities about inversion

When working with (co)inductive predicates, we are very often faced to some of these situations: The inversion tactics are very useful to simplify the work in these cases. Inversion tools can be classified in three groups:

  1. tactics for inverting an instance without stocking the inversion lemma in the context; this includes the tactics (Dependent) Inversion and (Dependent) Inversion_clear.
  2. commands for generating and stocking in the context the inversion lemma corresponding to an instance; this includes Derive (Dependent) Inversion and Derive (Dependent) Inversion_clear.
  3. tactics for inverting an instance using an already defined inversion lemma; this includes the tactic Inversion ...using.
As inversion proofs may be large in size, we recommend the user to stock the lemmas whenever the same instance needs to be inverted several times.

Example 1: Non-dependent inversion

Let's consider the relation Le over natural numbers and the following variables:

Coq < Inductive Le : nat->nat->Set :=
Coq <   LeO : (n:nat)(Le O n)  |  LeS : (n,m:nat) (Le n m)-> (Le (S n) (S m)).

Coq < Variable P:nat->nat->Prop.

Coq < Variable Q:(n,m:nat)(Le n m)->Prop.

For example, consider the goal:

Coq < Show.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  H : (Le (S n) m)
   (P n m)

To prove the goal we may need to reason by cases on H and to derive that m is necessarily of the form (S m0) for certain m0 and that (Le n m0). Deriving these conditions corresponds to prove that the only possible constructor of (Le (S n) m) is LeS and that we can invert the -> in the type of LeS. This inversion is possible because Le is the smallest set closed by the constructors LeO and LeS.

Coq < Inversion_clear  H.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  m0 : nat
  H0 : (Le n m0)
   (P n (S m0))

Note that m has been substituted in the goal for (S m0) and that the hypothesis (Le n m0) has been added to the context.

Sometimes it is interesting to have the equality m=(S m0) in the context to use it after. In that case we can use Inversion that does not clear the equalities:

Coq < Undo.

Coq < Inversion H.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  H : (Le (S n) m)
  n0 : nat
  m0 : nat
  H0 : n0=n
  H2 : (S m0)=m
  H1 : (Le n m0)
   (P n (S m0))

Example 2: Dependent Inversion

Let us consider the following goal:

Coq < Show.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  H : (Le (S n) m)
   (Q (S n) m H)

As H occurs in the goal, we may want to reason by cases on its structure and so, we would like inversion tactics to substitute H by the corresponding term in constructor form. Neither Inversion nor Inversion_clear make such a substitution. To have such a behavior we use the dependent inversion tactics:

Coq < Dependent Inversion_clear H.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  m0 : nat
  l : (Le n m0)
   (Q (S n) (S m0) (LeS n m0 l))

Note that H has been substituted by (LeS n m0 l) and m by (S m0).

Example 3: using already defined inversion lemmas

For example, to generate the inversion lemma for the instance (Le (S n) m) and the sort Prop we do:

Coq < Derive Inversion_clear leminv with (n,m:nat)(Le (S n) m) Sort Prop.

Coq < Check leminv.
     : (P:((_,_:nat)Prop); n,m:nat)
        ((m0:nat)(Le n m0)->(P n (S m0)))->(Le (S n) m)->(P n m)

Then we can use the proven inversion lemma:

Coq < Show.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  H : (Le (S n) m)
   (P n m)

Coq < Inversion H using leminv.
1 subgoal
  n : nat
  m : nat
  H : (Le (S n) m)
   (m0:nat)(Le n m0)->(P n (S m0))