IMERL-CMAT Dynamical Systems Seminar. Montevideo Uruguay.

En espa�ol.

This group gathers 30 persons (22 of which have PhD's in Mathematics) with a common goal: to contribute to the development of mathematics, and in particular of Dynamical Systems, in Uruguay. After 25 years of continued activity, this group has been positioned as one of the largest groups of study of mathematics in the country and has been recognized by its trajectory.  The group has organized several international conferences in Uruguay. Several foreign professors visit regularly our country and our profesors have given advanced lectures both here and abroad. A large number of students have been formed here and it works every week the Seminar which gathers researchers and young students.

Montevideo Dynamical Systems Conferences 




    Seminar  Previous Talks (in spanish)



     Doctorate Honoris Causa to Jorge Lewowicz.

     Thesis and Monographs 

    Publications (with some preprints)

    Events (in spanish)

    Curses  (in spanish) 



    IMERL      CMAT        Pedeciba        PreMat         IMPA    MathSciNet