Actividades y eventos

2024Iberamia'2024 : 18th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial IntelligenceIBERAMIA es la principal conferencia internacional donde la comunidad Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial se encuentra para compartir resultados de investigación y experiencias con investigadores de todo el mundo
2024South American NLP SchoolEsta escuela regional de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (colocalizada con Iberamia) es un esfuerzo conjunto entre grupos de Argentina y Uruguay. Presentará charlas de investigadores, posters y sesiones sociales.
2023Desafíos PLN IdM2023 : Ingeniería de Muestra 2023 - Inteligencia Artificial Desafíos de Procesamiento de Lenguaje NaturalDos desafíos de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en el marco del evento Ingeniería de Muestra 2023 .
2023GUA-SPA : Guarani-Spanish Code Switching AnalysisA task to automatically detect and analyze instances of code-switcihng between Guarani and Spanish in news and social media. This task is part of IberLEF 2023.
Desde 2020CINACINA : Capacitación en INglés en el Aula Con INteligencia ArtificialEspacio de Formación Integral (EFI) desarrollado por el grupo PLN (InCo-FIng) y docentes de la FIC, en colaboración con Políticas Lingüísticas de ANEP
2022QuALES : Question Answering Learning from Examples in SpanishA task to automatically find answers to questions in Spanish from news text. This task is part of IberLEF 2022
2021HAHA : Factuality Analysis and Classification TaskA task to classify tweets in Spanish as humorous or not and to deepen the humor analysis determining different characteristics of the tweets considered humorous. This task is part of IberLEF 2021
2020FACT : Factuality Analysis and Classification TaskA task to identify verbal and nominal events in Spanish texts, and to classify them according to their factuality status. This task is part of IberLEF 2020
2019FACT : Factuality Analysis and Classification TaskA task to classify events in Spanish texts, according to their factuality status. This task is part of IberLEF 2019
2019HAHA : Humor Analysis based on Human AnnotationA task to classify tweets in Spanish as humorous or not, and to determine how funny they are. This task is part of IberLEF 2019.
2018HAHA : Humor Analysis based on Human AnnotationA task to classify tweets in Spanish as humorous or not. This task is part of IberEval 2018.


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