Usuario:Ultra Manifestation Review Tab6

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Revisión del 07:52 19 oct 2020 de Ultra Manifestation Review Tab6 (Discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «For millennia humans have called their gods different names: In [ Ultra Manifestation] Western and Eastern spirit...»)

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For millennia humans have called their gods different names: In Ultra Manifestation Western and Eastern spiritual practices, God. The gods of the ancient world were innumerable. According to Wikipedia, "The Qur'an contains Ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names of Allah, Judaism refers to 72 Divine Names and the Indian Mahabharata contains a thousand names of Vishnu." Although some scholars say Shakespeare was an atheist, in his will he refers to "God my Creator." In a television Science Channel program, "Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman," one of the episodes explored "What Happened Before The Beginning?"

Let's say that before the beginning there was "nothing." In quantum physics the so-called nothing is the vacuum state. But guess what? The "nothing" is the source of everything. The vacuum state is not an empty void. Ingeniously illustrated in "Wormhole," it consists of gravity and tiny momentary electromagnetic waves and particles that pop in and out of being. Little pops, big bangs. At some point the universe explodes, expands and contracts again into "nothing." Right now it is expanding and we are along for the bumpy ride. The Divine, the Creator, God, Allah, Vishnu, Creative Intelligence, Consciousness was, is and always will be.

I have not read Hawking's latest book,"The Grand Design." Nor do I attempt to understand quantum physics or the concept that ours is one of many extant universes that appeared spontaneously out of nothing, each with different laws of nature. But I return to the words of astrophysicist Carl Sagan in a previous article: "Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." The two are not mutually exclusive. They are different sides of the same Heavenly Body.