[Butia-devel-list] Fwd: Call For Papers: 20th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2015)

Andres Aguirre aaguirre en fing.edu.uy
Mar Abr 21 15:47:57 UYT 2015

Puede ser de interés

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ignacio Ramirez <nacho en fing.edu.uy>
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 3:07 PM
Subject: Call For Papers: 20th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern
Recognition (CIARP 2015)
To: Andres Aguirre <aaguirre en fing.edu.uy>


20th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2015)

CIARP website: http://www.ciarp.org

November 9 - 12, 2015

Montevideo, Uruguay

Sponsored by: IAPR, IPOL (Image Processing On Line), European Research
Council (ERC), Pattern Recognition Letters, Springer LNCS


    Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2015

    Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2015

    Camera Ready: August 14, 2015


Dear Andres Aguirre ,

Let me kindly inform you that the Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern
Recognition (CIARP 2015 - http://www.ciarp.org/) organizing committee
cordially invites you to submit a paper to the CIARP 2015 Conference, to be
held in Montevideo, Uruguay. The deadline for paper submissions is
scheduled for May 15th, 2015.

Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All
accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published
by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Springer LNCS are
indexed in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S,
included in ISI Web of Science), EI Engineering Index (Elsevier Index,
Compendex and Inspec databases), ACM Digital Library, dblp, Google Scholar,
IO-Port, MathSciNet, Scopus and Zentralblatt MATH.

For this special 20th edition we will have four invited speakers: Prof.
Mark Simmons (Caltech, USA), René Vidal (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA),
Guillermo Sapiro (Duke Univ., USA) and Josef Kittler (Surrey Univ., UK).


The IAPR-CIARP Award to the best paper, consisting of a cash prize
(USD400,00), trophy and a certificate, will be given to the author(s) of
the Best Paper registered and presented at CIARP 2015.


This iberoamerican annual award is given to a living woman in recognition
of an outstanding technical contribution to the field of pattern
recognition or data mining, and consists of a cash amount (USD400,00), a
suitably inscribed certificate and a medal. Anyone woman is eligible to be
nominated, except for the current members of the APP Award Committee. To
initiate a nomination please check the website for further information.


A Special Section of a regular issue of Pattern Recognition Letters
including papers of the scientists that will be awarded at CIARP 2015
(IAPR-CIARP Best Scientific Paper Award and Aurora Pons-Porrata Award) will
be published in the Journal Pattern Recognition Letters.


To promote reproducible research, a special issue of the IPOL Journal (
http://www.ipol.im/) named Special Issue CIARP 2015 will be published. A
maximum of fifteen (15) contributions will be selected for the Special
Issue and a maximum of five (5) awards will be given to fund a stay at the
Centre de Mathématiques et de Leurs Applications (CMLA) of the École
Normale Supérieure de Cachan (Paris, France) to help the authors to
transform their contribution into a full IPOL article that can be published
in a special issue of the IPOL journal.


We are planning to prepare a thematic special issue focusing on the  CIARP
topics that will receive more attention. In this respect we are in contact
with the Editorial Board of PRLetters.


To promote the participation of students and young researchers, partial
scholarships will be available.

Best regards,
    Josef Kittler, Surrey University, UK (Chair)

    Alvaro Pardo, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay (Co-chair)



    Alicia Fernández, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Alvaro Gómez, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Ignacio Ramírez, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Federico Lecumberry, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Gregory Randall, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Pablo Musé, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


- Applications of Pattern Recognition

- Artificial Intelligence Techniques in PR

- Bioinformatics, Chemometrics

- Biometrics

- Clustering

- Cognitive Humanoid Vision

- Computer Vision

- Data Mining

- DB, Knowledge Bases and Linguistic Tools

- Discrete Geometry

- Document Processing and Recognition

- Fuzzy and Hybrid Techniques in PR

- Image Coding, Processing and Analysis

- Image, Video, and Knowledge Bases

- Kernel Machines

- Linguistic Tools for Pattern Recognition

- Logical Combinatorial PR

- Mathematical Morphology

- Mathematical Theory of PR

- Medical Imaging

- Natural Language Processing and PR

- Neural Networks for PR

- Parallel and Distributed PR

- Pattern Recognition Principles

- Robotics & Remote Sensing Applications of PR

- Shape and Texture Analysis

- Signal Processing and Analysis

- Special Hardware Architectures

- Statistical Pattern Recognition

- Syntactical and Structural PR

- Video analysis

- Voice and Speech Recognition


For more information regarding venue, fees, dates, etc. please visit
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