[Butia-devel-list] Respirador artificial hecho con componentes fáciles de conseguir

Daniel Larrosa dflc en cs.com.uy
Mie Mar 25 11:36:12 -03 2020

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 11:18 AM J.Vidal <javi2302 en gmail.com> wrote:

> tiene idea que motor emplean?

Hay que tener en cuenta que de momento (creo que) son todos prototipos.

Por si sirve como referencia, siguiendo varios links desde el articulo que
mencionaba en mi mail previo (
llegue a este paper (del MIT, del 2010):
   donde aparece como dato concreto:

*4.4. Motor* According to initial experiments, a maximum torque of 1.5 Nm
was required for maximum volume delivery. A *PK51 DC gearmotor* with a
stall torque of 2.8 Nm was selected for the prototype. Despite the lower
torque value measured in our experiment, we found that this motor did not
provide quite enough torque to effectively drive the cam at the slower
inhalation cycle rates prescribed to some patients. While a larger motor
will be necessary to achieve better speed control, this motor functioned
acceptably  at the proof-of-concept phase. It was desirable for its gear
reduction ratio of 51:1, and an operating speed in the required range of
50-70 rpm.

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