[Butia-list] Concurso de dise#o de modulos "Open Hardware" para robotica, de Hackaday

Daniel Larrosa dflc en cs.com.uy
Mar Abr 24 08:58:33 -03 2018

Creo que muchos de los participantes del Proyecto Butia y sus derivados
tienen buenas posibilidades en el concurso, que puede ser muy interesante
por ej. por las posibilidades de difusion que brinda.

Los detalles los pueden ver en:


Un extracto:

This is your call to build a module that can be used in robotics projects
across the world. Twenty module designs will be awarded $1,000 and and
chance at the five top prizes including the $50,000 grand prize!      (las
cifras de los premios estan en Dolares)

Robotics is the kitchen sink of the world of electronics. You have to deal
with motors, sensors, spinny lidar doohickies, computer vision,
mechatronics, and unexpected prototyping issues accounting for the
coefficient of friction of 3D printed parts. Robotics is where you show
your skills, and this is your chance to show the world what you’ve got.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were some more ways to skip around the hard
parts? That is the Robotics Module Challenge in a nutshell. We want to see
great modular Open Hardware designs that can be used by roboticists all
over the world. This might be a motor controller, a chassis or limb design
system, a sensor network scheme, a communications system, data collection
and delivery — basically anything related to robotics. Build a prototype
that shows how your module is used and document all the info needed to
incorporate and riff on your design in other robot builds.

Start your entry now and show us your take on a great bit of Open Hardware.


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