[Butia-list] Articulo sobre un integrado driver de motores electricos de CC ("Puente-H") que puede resultar mejor que el L298N en algunos casos

Daniel Larrosa dflc en cs.com.uy
Lun Dic 30 11:30:27 -03 2019

Les paso la referencia, ya que el articulo menciona algunas ventajas ej.
mayor eficiencia y menor requerimiento de disipacion de calor, que pienso
pueden resultar utiles en los dise#os alimentados por baterias y de
construccion casera:


Del articulo: "They are not drop-in compatible, though. For example, the
L298N can operate motors from 4.5 to 46V while the TB6612 can go from 2.5
to 13.5V on the motor voltage. The L298N also handles more current.
However, because of its relatively low efficiency, it needs a heat sink.
The TB6612 boasts up to 95% efficiency and also has a low current standby
mode. Of course, the TB6612 drops much less voltage which is great if you
are using low voltage motor.
Assuming the new device is suitable for your hardware, the software isn’t
really very different from L298N programs."
Una busqueda rapida en Google muestra algunos resultados para TB6612 en

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