Carlos Luna

I am a lecturer at Computing Science Department (InCo) at the Engineering School of the Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

CV: 1) Short CV; 2) Search in CVUy ANII + Carlos Luna

DBLP: Carlos LunaGoogle Scholar Citations

Photo - Photo (2018) – photo InCo 2008 -- photo InCo 2017 [1][2] – photo InCo 2023photo IdM 2023

How to reach me

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I'm working for the following courses of the program Computing Engineering

Research interests

I am a member of the Laboratory of Computing Science - Information Security Group
My areas of interest are: formal methods, computer security, verification tools, constructive type theory, critical systems, and education

Current work

Recent Projects

Some papers - Publications

All publications, including previous ones, are available at: CVUy ANII + Carlos Luna


PhD thesis:

"Formal analysis of security models for mobile devices, virtualization platforms, and domain name systems". August 2014, PEDECIBA Informática, Uruguay. Primer premio en el concurso de tesis de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería de Uruguay, Uruguay, 2015. 

Master thesis:

"Especificación y Análisis de Sistemas de Tiempo Real en Teoría de Tipos" (Specification and Analysis of Real Time Systems in Type Theory). Primer premio en el concurso de tesis de maestría CLEI'2000, México. Reporte Técnico - Thesis.
