The LINK ALL Project is funded under the @lis Programme supported by the EC-EuropeAid Co-operation Office. It aims to assist in the uptake of innovative IT practices, to support collaboration, promote exchange of experience, transfer of know-how and improve related skills in three (3) targeted sectors - CRAFTS, ECO-AGRO TOURISM and CULTURE.
The LINK ALL platform to be created will include tailored and integrated, state-of-the-art IT tools to provide a range of key e-inclusion facilities strengthening the integration of local development activities. Five (5) networked demonstrators will be deployed in selected areas (Brazil, Uruguay, Argentine-Chile, Colombia, and Costa-Rica). Communication facilities including satellite coverage and wireless applications will be provided. Training activities will be implemented and a coherent business framework will be elaborated.

The main INCO role is concerned with the Link-All system integration. This task consist in taking all the customized applications / components from the IT partners to integrate them into a coherent LINK ALL platform by implementing appropriate middleware solutions, using, whenever possible, asynchronous capabilities, and relying on Enhanced Web Services support, as the basis for global service integration.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of INCO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Last update : March 3, 2005