Latin American School on Process Mining (LASPM)

The 1st Latin American School on Process Mining (LASPM) will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay.

8 to 11 November 2022

Download the LASPM POSTER.


Process Mining (PM) is an innovative area within Data Science and Process Science disciplines that has been developed in the last two decades to provide techniques, algorithms and tools to discover information from process execution data, as data mining does.

Process mining provides three main approaches: i) discovering BP models from event logs i.e. generating process models based on execution process data; ii) process conformance i.e. checking the real execution in event logs against BP models; and iii) enhancing BP models with extra information such as performance, roles and resources involved in the process execution, allowing both post mortem and predictive analysis.

The objective of the Latin American School on Process Mining (LASPM) is to promote the dissemination of the knowledge, advances and challenges in the process mining field, as well as examples in different application domains and successful cases, within graduate and advanced undergraduate students of Computer Science, graduate students of Data Science programs, as well as professors, researchers and professionals of these areas working in the software industry and public organizations from Uruguay and Latin American countries.

The Latin American School on Process Mining (LASPM) includes a graduate and professional training course on process mining, providing both foundations and applications in several domains such as: e-health, e-government and education. It is also offered as a workshop module for advanced students of the Computer Science career from FING, UdelaR. The course includes master classes by the keynote speakers and national teachers, as well as hand-ons laboratory with process mining tools such as Disco, Celonis, ProM.

With this event we continue to promote the meeting place created in Uruguay with the Uruguayan workshop BPMuy (2012-2018), where academia, the state and the industry can converge, promoting the adoption of process mining, as the main way of evidence-based analysis and improvement of processes in organizations.

Keynote speakers

The school counts with invited keynote speakers of international academic relevance, in the areas of Process Mining and Business Process Management (BPM), who will present foundations of process mining and its application in different domains such as e-Health, e-Government, education.

Dra. Barbara Weber

University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Dr. Hajo Reijers

Utrecht University (UU), The Netherlands

Jorge Muñoz-Gama

Pontificia Universidad de Chile, Chile

Marcos Sepúlveda

Pontificia Universidad de Chile, Chile


The local team has experience and has taught courses in the area of ​​Process Mining and Business Process Management (BPM), and will present process mining applications in e-Government, collaborative processes, open data.

Dra. Andrea Delgado

Grupo COAL, Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República

Dr. Daniel Calegari

Grupo COAL, Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República

Dates and location

The school will be held from 8 to 11 November 2022, at Facultad de Ingeniería (FING), Universidad de la República (UdelaR).

Schedule: mornings from 9 to 13 hs. in room 701 with coffee break, lunch from 13 to 14 hs. in Rodelú, and afternoons with hand-ons laboratory from 14 to 16 hs. in computers room 312

Registration and fees

The school has LIMITED QUOTAS and REGISTRATION WITH COST for professional postgraduate programs and professional training.

There is NO COST for postgraduate academic programs from FING, UdelaR, and for professors, researchers and advanced undergraduate students of Computer Science from FING, UdelaR.

Download the posgraduate and professional training PROGRAM including the cost of the course, and the workshop module PROGRAM for advanced students of Computing from FING, UdelaR.
Coffee breaks and lunches are included.

SCHOLARSHIPS will be offered for graduate professional programs from InCo and FING, UdelaR, and for professionals from industry and public organizations.

Also, GRANTS for students, professors and researchers from universities member of CLEI are in process.

To register as postgraduate programs and professional training it will be necessary to complete the FORM available in the registrar office (bedelía).

For inquiries about registrations in general, including quotation requests for group registrations, contact CPAP secretariat.


The Latin American Process Mining School (LASPM) is organized by the COAL research group of Instituto de Computación (INCO),Facultad de Ingeniería (FING),Universidad de la República (UdelaR).

It is part of the research project "Minería de procesos y datos para la mejora de procesos colaborativos aplicada a e-Government" funded by Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII), Fondo María Viñas (FMV) call 2021 modality I, Uruguay.

Supported by work group Procesos de Negocio, Arquitecturas y Sistemas Organizacionales (SLPNASO) from Centro Latinoamericano en Informática (CLEI)

The Latin American Process Mining School (LASPM) is a satellite event of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining (TFPM)

Photo gallery


Contact us for more information on the school