[Butia-devel-list] Articulo sobre experimento para medir la Constante de Planck usando Lego, que podria hacerse con elementos del Butia

Daniel Larrosa dflc en cs.com.uy
Jue Ene 8 11:57:56 UYST 2015


Utilizan Lego para la parte estructural y un ADC externo con conexion USB y
una placa de I/O basica (Phidget).

Link al paper que describe el experimento completo:

Creo que es el tipo de aplicacion educativa, de nivel, que sale fuera del
area de robotica y permite apreciar la flexibilidad y potencia del hard y
soft del Proyecto Butia, para niveles de preparatorios o incluso Facultad.

Quienes esten interesados en Fisica pueden con relativa facilidad
reproducir el experimento utilizando los elementos del Butia.   No lei el
paper en detalle, como para ver que precision requiere el ADC (mencionan
que es de 16 bits, pero no se si se requiere toda su precision).

Un extracto:

"We employ two USB devices, a U6 from Labjack and a
1002 0 from Phidget, to connect the LEGO watt balance
to a laptop. The U6 is used to measure the position of
the balance beam, the induced voltage, and current in
each coil. We connect a sixth input to a LEGO handheld
controller (potentiometer) that allows students to manually
tare the balance, making a popular exhibit at science
fairs and demonstrations. The 1002 0 is a four channel
analog output that is capable of producing a voltage between
-10 V and +10 V. Each channel can source up to
20 mA. One channel is used for each coil. One channel
is connected to a double throw, double pole relay. This
relay allows the analog output to disconnect from either
coil. One coil serves as the sine-driven actuator while the
induced voltage can be measured in the other. The relay
toggles between the two coils allowing the operator to
select which one is the driver. The last output channel is
used to remove the bias voltage in the photodiode, later
explained in Section V. This allows the use of a smaller
gain setting on the analog-to-digital converter that reads
the photodiode.


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