[Butia-devel-list] Fwd: [robotics-worldwide] [meetings] IET/UK-RAS Educational Robotics Hackathon

Andres Aguirre aaguirre en fing.edu.uy
Jue Abr 21 11:28:07 UYT 2016

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "Christos Bergeles" <christosbergeles en gmail.com>
Fecha: 21/04/2016 07:18
Asunto: [robotics-worldwide] [meetings] IET/UK-RAS Educational Robotics
Para: <robotics-worldwide en usc.edu>

Dear roboticists,

On behalf of IET TPN Robotics & Mechatronics and UK-RAS, I am pleased to
announce the 2016 Educational Robotics Hackathon and invite participants
within the UK.

The event lasts for 2 weeks, during which participants brainstorm and
design an educational robot for use in schools and homes.

The event will conclude with a weekend long on-site hacking, at Imperial
Hackspace, and with project presentations and awards.

For more information, please see the webpage:
or contact Dr Mark Witkowski m.witkowski en imperial.ac.uk or Jing Sheng Pang
j.s.pang en mail.com
robotics-worldwide mailing list
robotics-worldwide en usc.edu
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