[Butia-list] Robot Party, un "Google Hangout" de entusiastas de la robotica

Daniel Larrosa dflc en cs.com.uy
Mar Jul 18 16:04:47 -03 2017

Vi la referencia en Hackaday, pienso que puede ser interesante, para
intercambiar ideas con entusiastas de la robotica de otros paises:


El texto que figura en el site:

The Robot Party is a weekly Google+ hangout that brings together robot
builders from all over to share their robots, knowledge, and ask questions!
It is for all age ranges, young or old, just bring your robot!

The Robot Party is every Thursday at 8PM ET! If you have a robot, join the
hangout on Google+ HERE! Be sure to leave a comment on one of the posts so
we can add you to our circles for the party. If you don't have a
robot/don't want to be in the hangout, you can watch the mirrored stream on
this page! Check out below for pics of our past Robot Parties!


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