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Book chapters

  1.  S. Nesmachnow, H. Cancela, E. Alba, F. Chicano. Parallel heuristics in telecommunications. Chapter 20 in Parallel Metaheuristics:A new class of algorithms,E. Alba (ed). J. Wiley & sons, (to be published, 2005 ).

Research Papers in Refereed Journals

  1. H. Cancela, F. Robledo, O. Viera. A parallel algorithm for the Steiner 2-edge-survivable Network Problem. Revista del Instituto Chileno de Investigación Operativa, volumen 7, nro. 1, pp. 15-27. 2005.
  2. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino. Finding Steiner trees with degree 1 terminal nodes. IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX) Vol.1, No.9 pp.258-262 (August 2004).

  3. H. Cancela, L. Petingi. Reliability of Communication Networks with Delay Constraints: Computational Complexity and Complete Topologies. accepted at International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2004:29 pp. 1551-1562, 2004.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 02-05, 2002.

  4. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino. A GRASP algorithm with tree based local search for designing a survivable Wide Area Network backbone. Journal of Computer Science and Technology vol.4 no.1, pp. 52-58, April 2004.

  5. H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri. On the RVR Simulation Algorithm for Network Reliability Evaluation. IEEE Tr. on Reliability vol.52, no. 2, pp. 207-212, June 2003.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 00-10, 2000.

  6. H. Cancela, G. Rubino, B. Tuffin. MTTF Estimation using importance sampling on Markov models. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (MCMA), vol.8, issue 4, pp.321-341 (2002).
    Preliminary version available as INRIA RR 3672, 1999.

  7. H. Cancela and M.E. Urquhart. RVR simulation techniques for residual connectedness network reliability evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 51:4, pp. 439-443, abril 2002.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 00-02, 2000.

  8. H. Cancela, G. Rubino, M.E. Urquhart. An algorithm to compute the all-terminal reliability measure. Journal of the Indian Operational Research Society (OPSEARCH), Vol. 38, No.6, pp. 567-579, 2001.

  9. H.Cancela. Técnicas de reducción recursiva de la varianza para la simulación de modelos estáticos y dinámicos de confiabilidad. Trabajo invitado en edición especial de Actas de Fisiología dedicada al Premio Caldeyro Barcia. Volumen 6, pp. 105-122, 2000.

  10. H. Cancela. Balls and Buckets for discrete time Markov chain generation. CLEI Electronic Journal. Number 2, 1999 (Special Issue of Best Papers presented at CLEI'98, Quito, Ecuador).

  11. H. Cancela and M. El Khadiri. Series-parallel reductions in Monte Carlo network reliability evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 47(2):159-164, June 1998.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 96-01, 1996. Series-parallel reductions in Monte Carlo network reliability evaluation.

  12. H. Cancela and M. El Khadiri. An improvement to the total hazard method for system reliability simulation. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 10(2):187-196, 1996.

  13. H. Cancela and M. El Khadiri. A recursive variance-reduction algorithm for estimating communication-network reliability. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 44(4):595-602, December 1995.
    Preliminary version available as IRISA RR 860, 1994.

Research Papers in Proceedings of Refereed International Conferences

  1. H. Cancela, B. Tuffin, G. Rubino. New measures of robustness in rare event simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference. M.E. Kuhl, N.M. Steiger, F.B. Armstrong, J.A. Joines, eds. December 4-7 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  2. P. Rodríguez-Bocca, H. Cancela. A mathematical programming formulation of optimal cache expiration dates in content networks. LANC'2005 (IFIP/ACM Latin American Networking Conference). Cali, Colombia - October 10 - 14, 2005
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 05-07, 2005.

  3. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino. Designing low-cost access network topologies. INOC'2005 (International Network Optimization Conference), pp. 825-832, March 20-23, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal.

  4. H.Cancela, F. Robledo, G. Rubino. A GRASP algorithm with RNN based local search for designing a WAN access network. Latin-American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs and Applications (LACGA'04). Santiago, Chile, August 16-20 2004. Proceedings published in the Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Vol. 18C pp. 59-65

  5. H.Cancela, L. Petingi. Domination Invariant of a Diameter Constrained Network Reliability Model Latin-American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs and Applications (LACGA'04). Santiago, Chile, August 16-20 2004. Proceedings publishes in the Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Vol. 18C pp. 53-58
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 04-04, 2004.

  6. H. Cancela, G. Rubino, M.E. Urquhart. Path Set based conditioning for transient simulation of highly dependable Networks. 7th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, June 7 - 9, 2004, Gatineau/Ottawa, Canada.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 98-04, 1998.

  7. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino. A GRASP algorithm for designing a Wide Area Network backbone. INOC'2003 (International Network Optimization Conference), pages 138-143. October 27-29, 2003, Evry/Paris, France.
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 03-06, 2004.

  8. P. Burgos, H. Cancela, A. Godoy and L. Petingi. Network reliability optimization with source-terminal distance constraints. INOC'2003 (International Network Optimization Conference), pages 132-137. October 27-29, 2003, Evry/Paris, France.

  9. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino. Network design with node connectivity constraints LANC'03 (IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2003), pages 13-20. La Paz, Bolivia, October 3 - 5, 2003.

  10. P. Burgos and H.Cancela and A. Godoy and L. Petingi. Source-terminal reliability maximization with path length constraints. In ICIL'2003 (International Conference on Industrial Logistics), pages 76-83, Vaasa, Finland, 16-19 June 2003.

  11. H. Cancela and L. Petingi. Polynomial time computation of the reliability of source-terminal complete networks with path length restrictions. In CLEI'2002 (XXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática), Montevideo, Uruguay, Noviembre 2002 (anales publicados en CD-ROM).
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 02-05, 2002.

  12. H. Cancela and L. Petingi. Diameter constrained network reliability: exact evaluation by factorization and bounds. In ICIL'2001 (International Conference on Industrial Logistics), pages 359-366, Okinawa, Japan, 9-12 July 2001.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 01-03, 2001.

  13. H. Cancela, G. Rubino, and B. Tuffin. MTTF estimation using importance sampling on Markov models. In ICIL'2001 (International Conference on Industrial Logistics), pages 338-350, Okinawa, Japan, 9-12 July 2001.

  14. H. Cancela and O. Viera. Applying Ant Systems to vehicle routing problems. In ICIL'2001 (International Conference on Industrial Logistics), pages 384-390, Okinawa, Japan, 9-12 July 2001.

  15. H. Cancela and M. Urquhart. Adapting RVR simulation techniques for residual connectedness network reliability models. In Proceedings of the XXVI Latin American Conference On Informatics (CLEI'2000) . CLEI, Ciudad de México, México, September 18-22, 2000 (anales publicados en CD-ROM).
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 00-02, 2000.

  16. H. Cancela, Adaptación del formalismo de "bolas y urnas" para la generación de cadenas de Markov de tiempo discreto. XXIV Latinamerican Conference of Informatics CLEI- Panel 98, Quito (Ecuador), Tomo 1, paginas 313-324, October 19-24, 1998.
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 96-02, 1996.

  17. H. Cancela, Simulación en estado transitorio de sistemas altamente confiables. IX Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa (CLAIO), Bs.As., Argentina, Agosto 1998 (anales publicados en CD-ROM).
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 98-04, 1998.

  18. H. Cancela, M.E. Urquhart and G. Rubino, Network reliability evaluation by the Ahmad Method. XXIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI 97, Volumen 1, pp. 327-336, November 1997, Valparaíso, Chile.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 96-03, 1996.

  19. H. Cancela and M. El Khadiri. A simulation algorithm for source-terminal communication network reliability. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Simulation Symposium, pages 155-161, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1996. IEEE Computer Society Press.

  20. H. Cancela and M. Urquhart. Simulated annealing for communication network reliability improvement. In Proceedings of the XXI Latin American Conference On Informatics (PANEL'95) - XXII Seminario Integrado de Software y Hardware (SEMISH). pages 1413-1424, CLEI - SBC, July 1995.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 95-02, 1995.

  21. H. Cancela and G. Rubino. Construcción de modelos para la evaluación de la seguridad de funcionamiento. In Trabajos seleccionados del VII Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa e Ingeniería de Sistemas (CLAIO), pages 235-248, Santiago, Chile, July 1994.
    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 94-01, 1994.

  22. H. Cancela, G. Rubino and M.E. Urquhart. Optimización en el diseño de redes de comunicaciones. In Proceedings del XIII Congreso IberoLatinoamericano de Métodos Computacionales para la Ingeniería, Porto Alegre, Brasil, November 1992.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 93-01, 1993.

Research Papers in Proceedings of Refereed National Conferences

  1. P. Rodríguez-Bocca, H. Cancela Bosi. Redes de contenido: un panorama de sus características y principales aplicaciones. AST 2004 ( 5th Argentine Symposium on Computing Technology), 33 JAIIO, Córdoba - Argentina. September 20-24, 2004.

    Preliminary version available
    as INCO RT 03-11, 2003.

  2. Sergio Nesmachnow, Héctor Cancela and Enrique Alba. Técnicas evolutivas aplicadas al diseño de redes de comunicaciones confiables. MAEB 2004 (Tercer congreso español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados), pp. 388-395, February 4-6 2004, Córdoba, España. 

  3. A. Mauttone, H. Cancela and M.E. Urquhart. Diseño y optimizacion de rutas y frecuencias en el transporte colectivo urbano, modelos y algoritmos. XI Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, pages 299-310, October 20-24 2003, Santiago, Chile.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 03-07, 2003.

  4. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and O. Viera. Diseño heurístico de redes con requerimientos de conectividad. CACIC'2003 (Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación), pages 1349-1360, October 6-10 2003, La Plata, Argentina.

  5. H. Cancela and L. Petingi. On the Characterization of the Source-to-all-terminal Diameter-constrained reliability domination. CACIC'2003 (Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación), pages 1569-1580, October 6-10 2003, La Plata, Argentina.

  6. H. Cancela, M.E. Urquhart, Simulación del Transporte Colectivo Urbano. SIO'99 - Simposio de Investigación Operativa, XXVIII JAIIO (Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa)- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6 al 10 de setiembre, 1999. 
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 99-04, 1999.

  7. H. Cancela and M. E. Urquhart. Métodos Monte Carlo y confiabilidad de redes de comunicaciones - estado del arte. In Proceedings of the 24 JAIIO, Buenos Aires, August 1995.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 95-05, 1995.

Short abstracts

  1. H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin. Bounded Relative Efficiency in Rare Event Simulation. SAINT2005, The 2005 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet. Trento, Italy. January 31 - February 4, 2005.

  2. H. Cancela and Ariel Sabiguero.Predicting the performance of a parallel heuristic solution for the Steiner Tree Problem. XII Congreso Latino Iberoamericano de Investigación de Operaciones (CLAIO). Cuba, October 2004. Preliminary version available as INCO RT 03-01, 2003.

  3. B. Tuffin, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and H. Cancela Bosi. End-to-end reliability-dependent pricing of network services. XII Congreso Latino Iberoamericano de Investigación de Operaciones (CLAIO). Cuba, October 2004.
    Extended version available as INCO RT 04-10, 2004.

  4. H. Cancela, F. Robledo, and O. Viera. An exact algorithm for the Steiner 2-edge-survivable network problem OPTIMA'2003, Valparaiso, Chile. Published on CD.

  5. H. Cancela and L. Petingi. Network reliability with path-length constraints: evaluation and design problems. XI CLAIO, Concepción, Chile, octubre 2002.

  6. P.Burgos, H. Cancela, A. Godoy and L. Petingi. Reliability maximization for networks with path length constraints. In Annals of the XXXIV Brazilian Simposium on Operations Research Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, octubre 2002.

  7. H. Cancela and M. Urquhart. Variance reduction in Monte Carlo evaluation of residual connectedness network reliability. Sixteenth triennial conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS'2002) . Edinburgh, UK, July 8-12, 2002.

  8. H. Cancela and Ariel Sabiguero. Parallel program performance estimation by Petri net models. XXXIII SBPO (Simposio Brasileño de Investigación Operativa). Campos de Jordão, Brasil, noviembre 2001.

  9. H. Cancela and L. Petingi. Network reliability evaluation for delay constrained services. In ITU/ITC 17 Developing Countries Workshop (part of International Teletraffic Congress, ITC 17), Salvador, Bahia, 2-6 diciembre 2001.

  10. H. Cancela. Applying Ant Systems to two real-life assignment problems. In Proceedings del X Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa (CLAIO'2000), Ciudad de México, México, September 4-8, 2000.
    Preliminary version available as INCO RT 00-04, 2000.

  11. H. Cancela. Biblioteca BB y modelado en tiempo discreto: aplicación a un conmutador de paquetes. In VIII Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa e Ingeniería de Sistemas (CLAIO) - XXVIII Simposio Brasileño de Investigación Operativa (SBPO), pages 593-598, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1996.

  12. H. Cancela and M. El Khadiri. Simplification techniques in Monte Carlo network reliability evaluation. In VIII Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa e Ingeniería de Sistemas (CLAIO) - XXVIII Simposio Brasileño de Investigación Operativa (SBPO), pages 587-592, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1996.

  13. H. Cancela, L. Petingi, G. Rubino, and M.E. Urquhart. HEIDI: una herramienta de apoyo a la evaluación y diseño de redes. In VIII Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigación Operativa e Ingeniería de Sistemas (CLAIO) - XXVIII Simposio Brasileño de Investigación Operativa (SBPO), pages 581-586, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1996. ALIO - SOBRAPO.

  14. H. Cancela, G. Rubino, and B. Tuffin. Fast Monte Carlo methods for evaluating highly dependable Markovian systems. In 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Salzburg, Austria, July 1996.

  15. H. Cancela, G.Rubino, and M. Urquhart. Evaluation and design of communication networks. In Proceedings of the ICIL'95, Ouro Preto, Brazil, December 1995. University of Southampton, UK, and Naval Monterrey School, USA.

  16. H. Cancela, G.Rubino, and M. Urquhart. Optimisation dans la conception de réseaux de communication. In Proceedings of III Journées du Groupe MODE, Brest, March 1995. ENST Bretagne - Université de Bretagne Occidentale.


  1. P. Rodríguez-Bocca, H. Cancela, B. Tuffin. A Genetic Algorithm for upgrading communication networks employing reliability based service pricing. ICIL 2005 (International Conference on Industrial Logistics), February 14-18, 2005, Montevideo, Uruguay.

  2.  . Burgos, H. Cancela, A. Godoy and L. Petingi. Network reliability optimization with source-terminal distance constraints. CLAPEM'2004 (Congreso Latinoamericano de Probabilidad y Estadística), March 22-26, 2004, Punta del Este, Uruguay. 

  3. H. Cancela, M.E. Urquhart. Un modelo de simulación del transporte colectivo urbano. XI Congreso Panaméricano de Transporte. Gramado, Brasil, noviembre 2000.

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Last update: 2010-07-27 01:58:50 p.m. -0200.  Héctor Cancela Bosi.