Marcelo Fiori |
Marcelo Fiori
January, 2025
Graph matching; graph signal processing.
Sparse modeling from high dimensional data; convex and non-convex optimization.
Gradient-Based Spectral Embeddings of Random Dot Product Graphs. Marcelo Fiori, Bernardo Marenco, Federico Larroca, Paola Bermolen, Gonzalo Mateos. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2023. link arxiv code
Characterization of digraphs with three complementarity eigenvalues. Diego Bravo, Florencia Cubría, Marcelo Fiori, Vilmar Trevisan. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2023. link arxiv
Decoupling between SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility and population mobility associated with increasing immunity from vaccination and infection in South America. Marcelo Fiori, Gonzalo Bello, Nicolás Wschebor, Federico Lecumberry, Andrés Ferragut, Ernesto Mordecki. Scientific Reports, 2022. link pdf code
Online change-point detection for weighted and directed random dot product graphs. Bernardo Marenco, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Federico Larroca, Gonzalo Mateos. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2022. link arxiv code
Complementary spectrum of digraphs. Diego Bravo, Florencia Cubría, Marcelo Fiori, Vilmar Trevisan. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2021. link arxiv
Large-Scale 802.11 Wireless Networks Data Analysis Based on Graph Clustering Germán Capdehourat, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Nicolás Frevenza, Federico Larroca, Gastón Morales, Claudina Rattaro, Gianina Zunino. Wireless Personal Communications, 2021. pdf
On spectral properties for graph matching and graph isomorphism problems. Marcelo Fiori and Guillermo Sapiro. Information and Inference (2015) 4 (1): 63-76 imaiai arxiv
Graph Matching: Relax at Your Own Risk. Vince Lyzinski, Donniell Fishkind, Marcelo Fiori, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Carey E. Priebe, and Guillermo Sapiro. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol. 38, 1, pp. 60-73, 2016. arxiv
A Complete System for Candidate Polyps Detection in Virtual Colonoscopy. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Guillermo Sapiro. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 28, No. 07, 2014. pdf
A new framework for optimal classifier design. Matías Di Martino, Guzman Hernández, Marcelo Fiori, Alicia Fernández. Pattern Recognition 46 (8), pp. 2249-2255, 2013. pdf
A Random Dot Product Graph Model for Weighted and Directed Networks. Bernardo Marenco, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Federico Larroca, Gonzalo Mateos Proc. of 58th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 27-30, 2024. pdf
Tracking the adjacency spectral embedding for streaming graphs. Federico Larroca, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Bernardo Marenco, Gonzalo Mateos Proc. of 56th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 30-November 2, 2022. slides, poster pdf
Algorithmic Advances for the Adjacency Spectral Embedding. Marcelo Fiori, Bernardo Marenco, Federico Larroca, Paola Bermolen, Gonzalo Mateos. European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2022. pdf
Assessing the impact of mobility reduction in the second wave of COVID-19, Álvaro Cabana, Lorena Etcheverry, María Inés Fariello, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori. XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 2021. link
Online Change Point Detection for Random Dot Product Graphs. Bernardo Marenco, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Federico Larroca, Gonzalo Mateos. Proc. of 55th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2021. link pdf
Change Point Detection in Weighted and Directed Random Dot Product Graphs. Federico Larroca, Paola Bermolen, Marcelo Fiori, Gonzalo Mateos. European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021. pdf
Re-Weighted ℓ1 Algorithms within the Lagrange Duality Framework: Bringing Interpretability to Weights. Matías Valdés, Marcelo Fiori. IBPRIA, 2019. pdf
Tell me where you are and I tell you where you are going: estimation of dynamic mobility graphs. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Mariano Tepper, and Guillermo Sapiro. SAM, 2016. pdf
An optimal multiclass classifier design. Marcelo Fiori, Matías Di Martino, Alicia Fernández. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 480-485, 2016. pdf
Questionnaire simplification for fast risk analysis of children's mental health. Kimberly Carpenter, Pablo Sprechmann, Marcelo Fiori, Robert Calderbank, Helen Egger, Guillermo Sapiro. ICASSP 2014 . pdf
Robust Multimodal Graph Matching: Sparse Coding Meets Graph Matching. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Sprechmann, Joshua Vogelstein, Pablo Musé, Guillermo Sapiro. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS 2013). pdf and Matlab code (not optimized, provided for reproducible results purposes)
Polyps Flagging in Virtual Colonoscopy. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Guillermo Sapiro. CIARP 2013. pdf
Multimodal Graphical Models via Group Lasso. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Ahmad Hariri, Guillermo Sapiro. Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), 2013. pdf
Topology Constraints in Graphical Models. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Guillermo Sapiro. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS 2012), pp. 800-808. pdf
Automatic colon polyp flagging via geometric and texture features. Marcelo Fiori, Pablo Musé, Sergio Aguirre, Guillermo Sapiro. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3170-3173, 2010. pdf
A new user behaviour model and QoE determination on short-message-service. Marcelo Fiori, Julio Fitipaldo. Proceedings of the 5th International Latin American Networking Conference, pp. 95-101, 2009.
Documentary Film: "IMAGINARY Uruguay: A Mathematical Journey"
IMAGINARY - Carmelo Video. 2016.
Taller en ANTEL: IMAGINARY - Matemática para tocar (video en Vera+). 2018.
IMAGINARY - Avanza (expo en ANTEL) (video en Vera). 2019.
Artículo en La Diaria: ¿Eso también es matemática?. 2016.
Graph inference and graph matching problems : Theory and algorithms. PhD Thesis, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Advisors: Pablo Musé and Guillermo Sapiro. May 2015. pdf
Segmentation and polyp detection in virtual colonoscopy: a complete system for computer aided diagnosis. Master Thesis, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Advisors: Pablo Musé and Guillermo Sapiro. July 2011. pdf
Notas del mini-curso de Optimización. 6to Coloquio Uruguayo de Matemática (2017). pdf
Notas del curso Cálculo diferencial e integral en varias variables (2019). pdf