Latin American School on Process Variability
and Process Mining

Montevideo, Uruguay.

9 to 12 April 2024

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The objective of the Latin American School on Process Variability and Process Mining is to promote the dissemination of the knowledge, advances, and challenges in the field, as well as examples in different application domains and successful cases, among graduate and advanced undergraduate students of Computer Science, graduate students of Data Science programs, as well as professors, researchers, and professionals of these areas working in the software industry and public/private organizations from Uruguay and Latin American countries.

The Latin American School on Process Variability and Process Mining includes a graduate and professional training course, providing foundations and applications in several domains. It is also offered as a workshop module for advanced students of the Computer Science career from FING, UdelaR. The course includes master classes provided by keynote speakers and national teachers and hands-on laboratories.

With this event, we continue to promote the meeting place created in Uruguay with the Uruguayan workshop BPMuy, where academia, the state, and the industry can converge to promote the adoption of BPM, as the primary way of management and evidence-based improvement of processes in organizations.

Keynote speakers

The school will count on invited keynote speakers of international academic relevance in Business Process Management (BPM), who will present foundations and their application in different domains.

Dr. Claudio Di Ciccio

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Dr. Marlon Dumas

University of Tartu, Estonia

Dr. Félix García

Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, España


The local team has experience in Process Mining and Business Process Management (BPM).

Dra. Andrea Delgado

Grupo COAL, Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República

Dr. Daniel Calegari

Grupo COAL, Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República

Dates and location

The school will be held from 9 to 12 April 2024, at Facultad de Ingeniería (FING), Universidad de la República (UdelaR).

Schedule: classes from 9 to 13 hs in room 726 with coffee break + lunch from 13 to 14:30 hs (included) + hand-ons laboratory from 14:30 to 16:30 hs in computers room 315


The school has LIMITED QUOTAS.

Students from academic and professional postgraduate programs from Facultad de Ingeniería, Udelar. It is offered as a postgraduate course. It is FREE OF COST and registrations are made through the Bedelias site.

Advanced students of the Bachelor's and Computer Engineering program. It is offered as Módulo de Taller valid for both careers. It is FREE OF COST and registrations are made by writing to

Other professionals interested in the subject. It is offered as permanent education course of the Centro de Postgrados y Actualización Profesional (CPAP). It has REGISTRATION WITH COST and registration is done by completing the following FORM. For questions about registrations in general, including quotes for group registrations, contact the CPAP secretariat at

Teachers, researchers and students from member universities of the Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática (CLEI), including universities in Uruguay. It is FREE OF COST and registrations are made by writing to

Coffee breaks and lunches are included.

We offer GRANTS for students, professors and researchers from universities member of CLEI. Those interested should write to (end of applications: February 5, 2024).

For inquiries, please contact us through the contact form.


The Latin American School on Process Variability and Process Mining is organized by the COAL research group of Instituto de Computación (INCO),Facultad de Ingeniería (FING),Universidad de la República (UdelaR).

It is part of the research project "Ingeniería dirigida por modelos para la especificación y configuración de familias de procesos" funded by Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC), Proyecto I+D call 2022, UdelaR, Uruguay.

Supported by Centro Latinoamericano en Informática (CLEI).

It is also a satellite event of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining (TFPM)

Previous events

Previous events are: the Latin American School on Process Mining (2022), the School on Variability of Business and Software Processes (2018) and the Uruguayan workshop on Business Process Management and Technologies (BPMuy, 2012-2016).



Contact us for more information on the school