Martin Barrère

May 5, 2017

Marin Barrère

Marin Barrère

Dr Martín Barrère is a Research Associate at the Department of Computing at Imperial College. He joined the Distributed Software Engineering (DSE) group in October 2014. His current research work focuses on intelligent protection mechanisms for cloud environments at run-time.

Dr Barrère received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Lorraine, France, in June 2014. His thesis targets the design and development of novel approaches for managing vulnerabilities in autonomic networks and systems.

Prior to this, Dr Barrère received a Computer Engineering degree in 2010 after graduating from the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay. There, he is currently a member of the Computer Security group (GSI) at the Department of Computer Science (InCo) of the Engineering School. He has been a member of InCo since 2006.

His topics of interest include computer security, autonomic computing, vulnerability management, mobile and cloud computing, distributed computing, digital evidence and forensics, formal models and languages, Linux-based systems and TCP/IP networks administration, Java technologies, logic and database systems.

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