How to reach me


Research interest

Current work



Curriculum Vitae

Some interesting documents

Sylvia da Rosa

aquí va mi foto

I am a lecturer at Computing Science Department (InCo) at the Engineering School of the Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay.

How to reach me:

  • Email: darosa(arroba)
  • Phone: work +598-02-2714 2714 interno 12130
  • Room: 130

Fax, Postal address, etc..


I am working for two undergraduate courses: Didáctica de Algoritmos y estructuras de Datos and Programming 1, at the 8th term and the 2nd term of the program Computing Engineer respectively.

Research interests

I am a member of the Laboratory of Computing Science. My areas of interest are: Computer Science Education, Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming.

Current work

  • El Paradigma de las Ciencias Computacionales (The Paradigm of Computational Sciences (Project 2021-2023)) Information available from (in Spanish):

    Texto del proyecto en pdf

  • Computer Science Education. Every year I teach a course in Computer Sience Education to teachers of Computer Science at several levels (High School or University). Information available from (in Spanish):

    Didáctica de Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos

  • Research in Computer Science Education. The role of educational related disciplines as pedagogy, epistemology, psychology for establishing the academic discipline Computer Science Education.
  • In December 2005, I defended a doctoral thesis about the learning of recursive algorithms developed within the theory of Jean Piaget "Genetic Epistemology". A copy is available from:

    The learning of recursive algorithms and their functional formalization.

  • Computer Science in Mathematics Education.
    • In the following link information about a course in Mathematics and Programming using python (from 2013) can be found:

      Mathematics and Programming

    • In the following link information about a course in Discrete Mathematics using programming languages (ISetL), taught from 1999 to 2009 can be found:

      Matemática Discreta usando Isetl

  • Participation in courses about the History of Science.

    Historia de la Ciencia

  • Member of an interdisciplnary group about Philosophy of Computer Science. Information available from (in Spanish):

    Núcleo Interdisciplinario Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Computación

  • Some papers:

      • The construction of knowledge about programs (Sylvia da Rosa and Federico Gómez) Proceedings of the 33th Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop (PPIG 2022) (Full paper in pdf)
      • Modelado Didático para Ideas Fundamentales en Computación (Sylvia da Rosa y Manuela Cabezas) Proceedings of The 51 SADIO Conference, Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática (SAEI 2022) (Full paper in pdf)
      • Training teachers in Informatics: a central problem in science education (Sylvia da Rosa and Marcos Viera and Juan Pablo García) Proceedings of The 50 SADIO Conference, Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática (SAEI) 2020 (Full paper in pdf)
      • A case of teaching practice founded on a theoretical model (Sylvia da Rosa and Marcos Viera and Juan Pablo García) Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Informatics in Schools 2020 (Full paper in pdf)
      • Mathematics and MateFun, a natural way to introduce programming into school (Sylvia da Rosa Marcos Viera and Juan Pablo García) 2020 (Full paper in pdf)
      • A research model in didactics of programming (Sylvia da Rosa and Federico Gómez) CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, VOLUME 23, NUMBER 1, PAPER 5, APRIL 2020 (Full paper in pdf)
      • Hacia un modelo de investigación en didáctica de la programación. (Sylvia da Rosa and Federico Gómez) Proceedings of CLEI, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá, September 30-October 7, 2019.
      • Un aporte estudiantil para una estrategia didáctica innovadora. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática (SAEI) (SADIO), Salta, Argentina September 16-20, 2019.
      • Students teach a computer how to play a game. (Sylvia da Rosa and Andrés Aguirre) Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Informatics in Schools Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Saint-Petersburg, Russia October 10-12, 2018 (Full paper in pdf)
      • Piaget and Computational Thinking. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of CSERC 2018 : The 7th Computer Science Education Research Conference Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Saint-Petersburg, Russia October 10-12, 2018 (Full paper in pdf)
      • Studying novice learners knowledge about program execution, Aguirre Dorelo, A., da Rosa Zipitria, S., XLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI 2017), Córdoba, Argentina.
      • Preconceptions of novice learners about program execution, (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of the 27th Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, Cambridge, UK 2016. Presentation slides
      • Didactical Ideas in Computer Science, (Beatriz Rabin, Sylvia da Rosa) July 2016 ITiCSE '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
      • The construction of knowledge of basic algorithms and data structures by novice learners, (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of the 26th Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, Bournemouth, UK 2015. (Full paper in pdf)
      • Philosophy of Computer Science and its Effect on Education - Towards the Construction of an Interdisciplinary Group, (Alejandro Chmiel, Sylvia da Rosa y Federico Gómez). Clei Electronical Journal (, Volume 19 : Number 1 : Paper 5, 2016.
      • A Study about Students' Knowledge of Inductive Structures, (Sylvia da Rosa and Alejandro Chmiel) Proceedings of the 24th Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, London, UK 2012.
      • About the Construction of the Concept of Induction, (Sylvia da Rosa, Alejandro Chmiel) Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación (CIESC ), Quito-Ecuador, 2011.
      • The Construction of the Concept of Binary Search Algorithm, (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of the 22th Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, Madrid, Spain 2010.
      • An educational methodology based on the work of students (Sylvia da Rosa, Federico Gómez Frois) Clei Electronical Journal Vol. 13, Nr. 2 (2010)
      • Una metodología educativa basada en el trabajo del estudiante, (Sylvia da Rosa and Federico Gómez Frois), Proceedings of Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación, CIESC 2009, Pelotas, Brasil
      • The Learning of Recursive Algorithms from a Psychogenetic Perspective. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, Joensuu, Finland 2007 (Slides of the presentation)
      • Designing Algorithms in High School Mathematics. (Sylvia da Rosa) Symposium on Teaching Formal Methods, Gent, Belgien 2004. Published in LNCS, vol 3294.
      • Psychogenesis of the Concept of Recursion. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación, CIESC 2003, La Paz, Bolivia.
      • The Role of Discrete Mathematics and Programming in Education. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of Functional and Declarative Programming in Education Workshop (FDPE02), Pittsburgh Octubre 2002.
      • La Matemática Discreta como formación básica. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, Buenos Aires, 2001.
      • Matemática y Computación: hacia una disciplina integrada. (Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of Congreso Informática en la Educación de la Conferencia Internacional Informática 2000, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, mayo 2000.
      • Optimizing Numerical Methods. (Sylvia da Rosa, Leonardo Echavarría) In Proceedings of  3rd Latin American Conference Of Functional Programming Languages.  Recife, Brasil. March 1999.
      • Matemática y Programación. (Sylvia da Rosa, Gustavo Cirigliano) Proceedings of VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación, PUCE (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador), Quito, Ecuador, October 1998.
      • Implementación en Haskell de un algoritmo general para resolución de ecuaciones por métodos iterativos. (Sylvia da Rosa, Angel Caffa) Proceedings of Segunda Conferencia Latinoamericana de Programación Funcional, La Plata, Argentina, October 1997.
      • Notas sobre una Experiencia Educativa en Computación. (Sylvia da Rosa, Gustavo Crispino, Marita Urquhart) Proceedings of V Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación, Unam, Ciudad de México, México September 1996.
      • Representing Program Transformations in Martin-Lof Type Theory. (Sylvia da Rosa, Alberto Pardo) Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'94), Recife, Brazil, July 28-30, 1994.
      • Program Transformation in Martin-Lof's Type Theory. (Alberto Pardo, Sylvia da Rosa) Proceedings of the CADE-12 Workshop on Proof-search in type-theoretic languages, pag. 62-69, Nancy, France, June 26, 1994.


    • Informe-Académico-Final-Proyecto-El-Paradigma-de-las-Ciencias-Computacionales-y-la-Educación
    • Informe-Académico-Final-Proyecto-MatemáticayProgramación
    • Informe PAPI (2010)
    • Programación 1 en modalidad semi-presencial (2009)
    • Programación 1 en modalidad semi-presencial optativa (2008)

    • Pedagogy and Tecnology: Instructional proposal for High Schools Teachers (in spanish). Presented at "Jornadas del InCo, 2013". See slides at:

    • Slides

    • Curriculum Vitae

    • CVUy

    • Some interesting documents:

      ( To InCo. home page.)