1. Partially hyperbolic dynamics, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz, Libro del 28º Coloquio Brasileiro de Matemática, 2011.

  2. New criteria for ergodicity and non-uniform hyperbolicity, con F. Rodriguez Hertz, M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Tahzibi, to appear in Duke Mathematical Journal.

  3. Maximizing measures for partially hyperbolic systems with compact center leaves, con F. Rodriguez Hertz, M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Tahzibi, to appear in Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems

  4. Intrinsic ergodicity of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with hyperbolic linear part, to appear in Proceedings of  the American Mathematical Society. 

  5. Uniqueness of SRB measures for transitive diffeomorphisms on surfaces,  con F. Rodriguez Hertz, M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Tahzibi,  Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 306, nº 1, 35--49, 2011.  

  6. Accessibility and abundance of ergodicity in dimension three: a survey, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz, to appear in Publicaciones Matemáticas del Uruguay.

  7. Tori with hyperbolic dynamics in 3-manifolds, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz,  Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 5, nº 1, 185--202, 2011.

  8. Creation of blenders in the conservative setting, con F. Rodriguez Hertz, M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Tahzibi, Nonlinearity, Vol. 23, nº 2, 211--223, 2010. 

  9. Accessibility and stable ergodicity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1d-center bundle, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz, Inventiones mathematicae, Vol. 172, 353-381, 2008.                                           

  10. Density of accessibility for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional center, con K. Burns, F. Rodriguez Hertz,  M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Talitskaya,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 22, nº 1-2, 75--88, 2008. 

  11. On existence and uniqueness of weak foliations in dimension 3, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 469, 303--316, 2008.

  12. Partial hyperbolicity and ergodicity in dimension three, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz,  Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 2, 187--208, 2008.

  13. A criterion for ergodicity of non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, con F. Rodriguez Hertz, M. A. Rodriguez Hertz y A. Tahzibi, Electronic Research Announcements - Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14, 74--81, 2007.                                                                                                                                                                  

  14. A survey of partially hyperbolic dynamics, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz,  Fields Institute Communications, Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics , Laminations and Teichmüller Flow, Giovanni Forni, Mikhail Lyubich, Charles Pugh, Michael Shub editors, Vol. 51, 35--88,  2007.  

  15. Some results on the integrability of the center bundle for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, con F. Rodriguez Hertz y M. A. Rodriguez Hertz, Fields Institute Communications, Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics , Laminations and Teichmüller Flow, Giovanni Forni, Mikhail Lyubich, Charles Pugh, Michael Shub editors, 103--112, Vol. 51, 2007.

  16.  On basic pieces of Axiom A diffeomorphisms isotopic to pseudo-Anosov maps, con Jorge Lewowicz, Asterisque, Vol. 287 , 125-134, 2003 .

  17.  Minimality of strong stable and unstable foliations for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, con C. Bonatti y L. J. Díaz, Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, vol.1 (4), 513--541, 2002.

  18.  On manifolds supporting Quasi-Anosov diffeomorphisms, con M. A. Rodríguez Hertz y J.L. Vieitez, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciencies de Paris, Série I  334, 321--323, 2002.

  19.   Critical saddle-node cycles: Hausdorff dimension and persistence of tangencies, con L. J. Díaz,  Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 22(4),1117--1140, 2002.                                                                       

  20.    On Smale diffeomorphisms close to pseudo-Anosov maps, con Jorge Lewowicz, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM), Vol 20, 187--194, 2001.

  21.    Partial hyperbolicity  and robust transitivity, con L.J. Díaz y E.Pujals,  Acta Mathematica, vol. 183, 1--43, 1999.

  22.    Hénon attractors: SBR measures and Dirac measures for sinks, International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Montevideo, Pitman Reaserch Notes in Math. Series (362), Editores: F. Ledrappier, J. Lewowicz y S. Newhouse, p. 214--220, 1996.

  23.    Abundance of hyperbolicity in the $C^1$ topology, Annales Scientifiques de L'Ecole Normale Superieure, quatriéme série, t. 28, p. 747--760, 1995.

  24.    On the approximation of Hénon-like attractors by homoclinic tangencies, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 15, p. 1223--1229, 1995.

  25.    Persistent homoclinic tangencies and the unfolding of cycles, con L.J. Díaz, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 11, no. 6, p. 643--659, 1994.

  26.  On expansive covering maps, Publicaciones Matemáticas del Uruguay, vol. 3, p. 59--67, 1991.