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Pasantías pagas en la empresa Facebook

El próximo 23 de setiembre a las 18:00 h, el Ing. Alejandro Marcu brindará una charla en el Salón de Actos de la Facultad donde expondrá el programa de pasantías pagas de la empresa Facebook.

El programa es para estudiantes de grado de computación y por un plazo de 12 semanas.
Los estudiantes interesados en la pasantía tienen que mandar un mail antes del próximo jueves a con asunto "Intern recruiting in Montevideo" y un CV en inglés.
Al día siguiente, habrá una serie de entrevistas con los candidatos.


Más información

In order to be eligible for an internship, you must be a student of Computer Science, Software Engineering or a related field, with graduation date of July 2014 or later.
If you’re graduating before July 2014, we’ll be happy to consider you for our full-time positions.
For more information, please check our careers page:
- Expertise with C++, Java, PHP or Python
- High levels of creativity and quick problem solving capabilities
- Fluent in written and oral English
- The interviews will be performed in English
- We'll talk about your interests, projects, experience and abilities
- You will be given one or more programming exercises that you will need to solve in the moment on the white board. Some common topics are: binary search, recursion, trees, backtracking, array manipulation, etc.
Details about the internship
- You will be working in one of our offices: Menlo Park, in Silicon Valley, near San Francisco, USA; Seattle, New York or London
- Benefits include: flights to-and-from your internship, housing during your internship, etc.  
- You will be expected to work about 40 hours per week and will receive a salary
- You will be working with a manager that will provide you an interesting high-impact project
- Internships last for a duration of 12 weeks