¡Bienvenido a la página del grupo de Ingeniería de Sistemas Químicos y de Procesos!
Nuestro grupo está formado por investigadores y docentes que actúan en el área de la Ingeniería de Sistemas de Procesos (Process Systems Engineering, PSE). La PSE es un campo dentro de la Ingeniería Química que busca sistematizar el diseño, análisis, operación y toma de decisiones en las diferentes etapas de los procesos que involucran transformaciones químicas y/o físicas y/o biológicas. El foco está en cómo los distintos componentes interaccionan entre sí y cómo estas interacciones contribuyen al comportamiento del sistema como un "todo".
La PSE es una disciplina integradora que combina áreas básicas de la ingeniería química (transporte de momento, calor y masa, termodinámica, diseño de reactores, etc.) con elementos de matemática y programación, para abordar problemas de:
- Síntesis, diseño e integración de procesos
- Modelado y simulación de procesos
- Optimización de procesos (programación lineal, no lineal y entera mixta, optimización dinámica, optimización global)
- Estimación de parámetros
- Análisis de incertidumbre, sensibilidad y toma de decisiones basadas en información experimental (datos)
- Planificación y schedulling de operaciones
Dentro de las aplicaciones de la PSE nos especializamos en:
- Bio-refinerías: análisis y diseño de procesos de conversión de biomasa en combustibles, químicos y materiales de alto valor agregado
- Procesos de secado en la Industria Láctea
- Análisis de Tambos
- Publicaciones
- 2022:
De Mattos, R., Martínez Garreiro, J., Meghirditchian, G., Ferrari, A., & Zecchi, B. (2022). Effect of modeling simplifications on behavior and computational cost for simulation of fixed bed wheat drying process. /Drying Technology/, /40/(7), 1338-1355.J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres Development of a machine learning-based soft sensor for an oil refinery's distillation column. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2022.SSN: 00981354
DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107756
Jonathan Lacuesta , Beatriz Vega , Liji Sobhana , Dennis Kronlund , Jouko Peltonen ,
Soledad Guitérrez , Pedro Fardim. Rice husk bio.chars as adsorbent for methylene blue and ethinylestradiol from water. Journal of cleaner production, v.: 257 2020.Clauser, N. , Felissia, F. , Area, M.C. , Vallejos, M.E. , Gutiérrez, S. An energy-saving re-use strategy for the treatment of lignocellulosic biomass applied to the
production of levulinc acid. Journal of cleaner production, v.: 257 2020. ISSN: 09596526
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-cleaner-productionHA Ruiz , Marc Conrad , Shao Ni Sun , Arturo Sanchez , George Rochae , Aloia Romani , Eulogio Castro , Ana I. Torres , Rosa M Rodriguez-Jasso , Liliane P Andrade , Irina Smirnova , Run-Cang Sun , Anne S. Meyer. Engineering aspects of hydrothermal pretreatment: From batch to continuous operation, scale-up and pilot reactor under biorefinery concept. Bioresource Technology, 299 , p.:12268 2020. ISSN: 09608524 .
Tanmay Chaturvedi , Ana I. Torres , George Stephanopoulos , Mette H. Thomson , Jens E. Schmidt . Developing Process Designs for Biorefineries-Definitions, Categories, and Unit Operations. Energies, v.: 13 6 , p.:1493 2020. ISSN: 19961073 .
M. Corengia , Ana I. Torres .Operación óptima de baterías bajo el actual régimen tarifario en Uruguay. ENERLAC, v.: 5 1 , p.:56 2020. ISSN: 26312522.
M. Corengia , Estefan, N. , Ana I. Torres .Analyzing Hydrogen Production Capacities to Seize Renewable Energy Surplus. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, v.: 48 p.:1549 - 1554, 2020. ISSN: 15707946 .
Mangone , J. FERREIRA , Ana I. Torres. BISSO: Biomass Interface for Superstructure Simulation and Optimization. ISSN: 22279717
DOI: 10.3390/pr7100645. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/7/10/645.E.Y. Emori , J. FERREIRA , A. R. Secchi , M.A.S.S.Ravagnani , C. B.B.Costa. Dynamic study of the evaporation stage of an integrated first and second generation ethanol sugarcane biorefinery using EMSO software. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019. ISSN: 02638762
DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2019.11.002
Priscilla Vergara , Miguel Ladero , Félix García Ochoa , Soledad Gutiérrez ,
JUAN CARLOS VILLAR. Liquor re-use strategy in lignocellulosic biomass fractionation with ethanol-water mixtures. Bioresource Technology, v.: 280 p.:396 - 403, 2019. ISSN: 09608524Agustín Helal , Roberto Kreimerman , Soledad Gutiérrez , Ana I. Torres. A market-driven algorithm for the assessment of promising bio-based chemicals. AICHE Journal (E), v.: 65 12 , 2019. ISSN: 15475905
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.16775
de Mattos, R., Zecchi, B., Gerla, P., & Ferrari, A. (2018). Solvent use optimization on polyphenols extraction from grape marc involving economical aspects. In /Computer Aided Chemical Engineering/ (Vol. 43, pp. 1317-1322). Elsevier.
J. FERREIRA , B.L. Nogueira , A.R. Secchi (2018). Dynamic simulation of evaporator in ethanol biorefinery. In Latin American Applied Research, 2018. ISSN: 03270793
Nicolás Clauser , María Cristina Area , Fernando Felissia , María Vallejos , Soledad Gutiérrez. Techno-economic assessment of carboxylic acids, furfural, and pellet production in a pine sawdust biorefinery. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, v.: 12 6 , p.:997 - 1012, 2018. ISSN: 1932104X
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/19321031.Nicolás Clauser , Soledad Gutiérrez , María Cristina Area , Fernando Felissia , María Evangelina Vallejos. Alternatives of Small-Scale Biorefineries for the Integrated Production of Xylitol from Sugarcane
Bagasse.Journal of Renewable Materials, v.: 6 2 , p.:139 - 151, 2018.ISSN: 21646325. DOI: 10.7569/JRM.2017.634145
http://www.scrivenerpublishing.com/journals.php?id=2Mariana Corengia , Ana I. Torres . Two-phase Dynamic Model for PEM Electrolyzer. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018. ISSN: 15707946.
M. Corengia , Ana I. Torres . Effect of Tariff Policy and Battery Degradation on Optimal Energy Storage. Processes, v.: 6 10 , p.:204 2018. ISSN: 22279717. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr6100204 .
Eduardo Vyhmeister , Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado , Ana I. Torres , Posada. Optimization of multi-pathway production chains and multi-criteria decision-making through sustainability evaluation: a biojet fuel production case study. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, v.: 20 7 , p.:1697 - 1719, 2018 . ISSN: 1618954X
DOI: 10.1007/s10098-018-1576
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10098-018-1576-5 .
Torres, A. I., Ashraf, M. T. , Chaturvedi, T., Schmidt, J. E., Stephanopoulos, G., “Hydrothermal Pretreatment: Process Modeling and Economic Assessment within the Framework of Biorefinery Processes", Capítulo en Hydrothermal Processing in Biorefineries. Eds. H. A. Ruiz, H. L. Trajano, M. H. Thomsen. Pags. 207-235, 2017.Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., & Sin, G. (2017). Powder stickiness in milk drying: uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for process understanding. In /Computer Aided Chemical Engineering/ (Vol. 40, pp. 2743-2748). Elsevier.
2016 :
Torres, A. I., Stephanopoulos, G., “Design of Multi-Actor Distributed Processing Systems: A Game-Theoretical Approach”, AIChE Journal, 62, 3369-3391, 2016.
Dieste, A., Clavijo, L., Torres, A. I., Barbe, S., Oyarbide, I., Bruno, L., Cassella, F., ``Lignin from Eucalyptus spp. Kraft Black Liquor as Biofuel'', Energy & Fuels, 30(12), 10494-10498, 2016.
Ferrari A, Gutiérrez S., Sin, G. "Modelling a production scale milk drying process: parameter estimation, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis". Chemical Engineering Science (en evaluación, 2016).
Clauser , N, Gutiérrez S, Area, M. Felissia, F., Vallejos, M. "Small sized biorefineries as strategy to add value to sugarcane bagasse". Chemical Engineering Research and Design Journal, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2015.10.050
Ferreira, J., Ferrari, A., Gutierrez, S. and Secchi, A., "Optimization of Aeration Power in a SBR". Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38,1341-1346, 2016.
Torres, A. I., Bochenski, T., Schmidt, J. E., Stephanopoulos, G., “Economically optimal multi-actor processing networks: material flows and price assignment of the intermediates using Lagrangian decomposition”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38, 2016.
Ashraf, M. T., Torres, A. I., Cybulska, I., Fang, C. J., Thomsen, M. H., Schmidt,J. E., Stephanopoulos, G., “Optimization of Lignocellulosic Waste Biorefinery using Multi-Actor Multi-Objective Mathematical Framework”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38, 2016.
Bocheński,T(*), Torres, A. I.(*), Ashraf, M. T., Schmidt,J. E., Stephanopoulos, G., "Evaluation of the production of lipids for fuels and proteins from microalgae by decomposition of the processing network", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38, 2016.
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Sin, G., "A comprehensive sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a milk drying process", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 2225-2230, 2015.
Bonk, F., Chaturvedi, T., Torres, A. I., Schmidt, J. E., Thomsen, M. H., Stephanopoulos, G.,“Exploring opportunities for the production of chemicals from municipal solid wastes within the framework of a biorefinery”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 2123-2128, 2015.
Torres, A. I., Chaturvedi, T., Al-Husseini, Z., Cybulska, I., Thomsen, M. H., Schmidt, J.E., Stephanopoulos, G. “A novel approach for the identification of economic opportunitiesFramework for the design and optimization of biorefinery networks”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 1175-1180, 2015.
Al-Wahedi, Y., Torres, A. I., Al-Hashimi, S., Dowling, N., Daoutidis, P., Tsapatsis, M., “Economic assessment of temperature swing adsorption systems as Claus tail gas clean up units” Chem. Eng. Sci., 126, 186-195, 2015.
Rajabbeigi, N.*, Torres, A. I.*, Lew, C. M., Elyassi, B., Ren, L., Wang, Z., Cho, H. J., Fan,W., Daoutidis, P., Tsapatsis, M. “On the kinetics of the isomerization of glucose to fructose using Sn-Beta”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 116, 235-242, 2014.
Daoutidis, P., Kelloway, A., Marvin, W. A., Rangarajan, S., Torres, A. I., “Process systems engineering for biorefineries: new research vistas”, Curr. Op. Chem. Eng., 2(5), 442-447, 2013.
Daoutidis, P., Marvin,W. A., Rangarajan, S., Torres, A. I., “Engineering Biomass Conversion Processes: A Systems Perspective”, AIChE J., 59(1), 3-18, 2013. (Artículo de tapa)
Torres, A. I., Tsapatsis, M., Daoutidis, P., “Biomass to chemicals: Design of an extractive reaction process for the production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural”, Comput. Chem. Eng., 42,130-137, 2012.
Daoutidis, P., Marvin, W. A., Rangarajan, S., Torres, A. I., “Process Engineering of Biorefineries:Recent Results and New Research Vistas”, Proceedings FOCAPO 2012 / CPC VIII, Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations - Chemical Process Control Engineering Conferences, Savannah, GA, 2012.
Jogwar, S. S., Torres, A. I., Daoutidis, P., “Networks with Large Solvent Recycle: Dynamics, Hierarchical Control and a Biorefinery Application”, AIChE J., 58(6), 1764-1777, 2012.
Gutiérrez, S., Cabrera, N., "Estimación de los parámetros nacionales y básicos para el manejo de efluentes de tambos. Parte 1: Caracterización de la Descarga". Ingeniería Química, 41, 3 - 12, 2012.
Gutiérrez, S., Ferrari, A., Benítez A., "Data mining and decision making tool development for an industrial dual sequential batch reactor", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 29(12), 1080 - 1084, 2011.
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Biscaia, E. , "Development of an optimal operation strategy in a sequential batch reactor (SBR) through mixed integer particle swarm dynamic optimization (PSO)", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34(12), 1994 - 1998, 2010.
Torres, A. I., Daoutidis, P., Tsapatsis, M., “Continuous Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Fructose: a Design Case Study”, Energy Environ. Sci., 3(10), 1560-1572, 2010.
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S. Biscaia, E., "Development of an Optimal Operation Strategy in a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) through Mixed Integer Particle Swarm Dynamic Optimization (PSO)". Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34 (12), 1994 - 1998, 2010.
Gutiérrez, S., Cabrera, N, Benítez, A, Melani, E., "Reducing variability in estimating wastewater composition in dairy farms during milking operations". Biosystems Engineering, 103(41), 497 - 503, 2009.
Margenat, L., Torres, A. , Moyna, P., Heinzen, H., Gonzalez, G., Jachmanian, I., “Lanoline Purification by Selective Extraction of Pesticides Using Supercritical CO2”, J. Supercrit. Fluid, 45(2), 177-180, 2008.
Buitrón G; Canziani R; Torrijos M; Gutiérrez S; Moreno I; Mazouni D; Fiocchi N; Ficara E; Moreno G; Benitez A; Pérez J; Ferrari A., "Experiments for modelling the biodegradation of wastewater in sequencing batch reactors", Mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic systems. 14(1), 2008.
Jachmanian, I., Margenat, L.,Torres, A. , Grompone, M., “Selectivity of Supercritical CO2 inthe Fractionation of Hake Liver Oil Ethyl Esters”, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 84(6), 597-601, 2007.
Jachmanian, I., Margenat, L.,Torres, A. , Grompone, M., “Estabilidad Oxidativa y Contenido de Tocoferoles en el Aceite de Canola Extrado con CO2 Supercrítico”, Grasas y Aceites(Spain), 57(2), 155-159, 2006.
Gutiérrez, S. , Ferrari,A., Benítez, Travers, D., Etchebehere C, Canetti, R., "Long-term evaluation of a sequential batch reactor (SBR) treating dairy wastewater for carbon removal", Water Science and Technology, 55(10),193-199, 2007.
Benítez, A., Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Canetti, R., Cabezas, A., Travers, D., Menes, J., Etchebehere, C., "Sequencing Batch Reactor As A Post-Treatment Of Anaerobically Treated Dairy Effluent" Water Science and Technology, 54 (2), 199-206, 2005.
- Presentaciones en conferencias
- 2022:
J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres. A multi-output machine learning approach for generation of surrogate models in process engineering. 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Kyoto.José I Arsuaga, Ana I Torres. Determination of Adsorption Energies from DFT databases using Machine Learning techniques. ,
European Symposium for Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Pages 1513-1518, ISSN 1570-7946, ISBN 9780323958790, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95879-0.50253-8.
2021:Franco Mangone, Soledad Gutiérrez. Diluted sulfuric acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass: economic evaluation of the mass and energy flows integration. XXV TECNICELPA / XI CIADICYP Conference 2021
Biocombustibles de aviación a partir de materias primas oleaginosas: Diseño de proceso maximizando utilización de infraestructura actual en ANCAP. Valeria González, Ana Inés Torres. VII Encuentro Regional de Ingeniería Química (2021).
Jonathan Lacuesta, Soledad Gutiérrez, Néstor Tancredi.Caracterización de ceniza de cáscara de arroz para su utilización como adsorbente. VII Encuentro Regional de Ingeniería Química (2021).
J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres. A machine learning approach for the design of a soft sensor in an oil refinery's distillation column. AIChE Annual Meeting. Technical Program 2021 Annual Meeting. https://www.aiche.org/conferences/aiche-annual-meeting/2021.
J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres. Aprendizaje Automático de modelos en la industria de procesos (2021). VII Encuentro Regional de Ingeniería Química (2021).J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres. Towards a multi-output Kaizen Programming Algorithm (2021). Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence. https://fbln.me/lacci/.
Franco Mangone, Soledad Guitérrez. A Recycle Model of Spent Liquor in Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass. 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (pp.565-570). ISSN/ISBN: 9780128205716. Vol:47.Franco Mangone, Soledad Gutiérrez. A techno-economic comparison between technologies for biomass fractionation including liquor re-use. International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management.
J. Ferreira , Pedemonte, M. , Ana I. Torres. A genetic programming approach for construction of surrogate models. International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process.J. Ferreira , Ana I. Torres , Pedemonte, M. A Comparative Study on the Numerical Performance of Kaizen Programming and Genetic
Programming for Symbolic Regression Problems. 6th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence LA-CCI.Franco Mangone, Soledad Gutiérrez. Simulación numérica de la distribución de edades en tanque de almacenamiento de agua potable del sistema metropolitano. X Congreso Nacional de AIDIS.
Franco Mangone, Soledad Gutiérrez. Techno-economical analysis of liquor re-use strategy in lignocellulosic biomass fractionation (2019). 3rd International Congress of Chemical Engineering ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ.
Mangone, F., Ferreira, J., Ferrari, A., & Gutiérrez, S. (2018). Modelling and optimization of a geotextile dewatering tubes process. In /Computer Aided Chemical Engineering/ (Vol. 43, pp. 1371-1376). Elsevier.
Mangone, F., Ferrari, A., & Gutiérrez, S. (2018). Dewatering Screw Pressing: Model Development and Sensitivity Analysis for Process Understanding. In /Computer Aided Chemical Engineering/ (Vol. 44, pp. 1879-1884). Elsevier.
E.Y. Emori , J. FERREIRA , G.C. Fonseca , A.R. Secchi , A.J.G. Cruz , M.A.S.S. Ravagnani , C.B.B. Costa. Dynamic study of the integrated evaporation and ethanol fermentation stages of a sugarcane. III Simposio Paranaense de Modelagem, Simulação e Controle de Processos -SIMPROC 2018. https://eventos.ufpr.br/simproc/simproc3
J. Ferreira , A. Ferrari , S. Gutiérrez , A. R. Secchi(2016). Optimization of Aeration Power in a SBR (2016). 26th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering
Nicolás M. Clauser, Soledad Gutiérrez, María C. Area, Fernando E. Felissia, María E. Vallejos. "An alternative to produce value added bio-based products from sugarcane bagasse". Enviado para presentación al 3er Congreso Iberoamericano de Biorrefinerías, a realizarse en Chile, Nov 2015. Póster.
“A Multi-Actor Multi-Objective Framework for the Design of Economically OptimalProcessing Networks”, A. I. Torres, G. Stephanopoulos, American Instituteof Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 8-13, 2015. Oral.
“A Novel Approach for the Identification of Economic Opportunities within the Frameworkof a Biorefinery”, A. I. Torres, T. Chaturvedi, I. Cybulska, C. Fang, M.H. Thomsen, J. E.Schmidt, G. Stephanopoulos, 25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering,Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31-June 4, 2015. Oral.
“Exploring opportunities for the production of chemicals form municipal solid wastes within the framework of a biorefinery”, F. Bonk, T. Chaturvedi, A. I. Torres, J. E. Schmidt, G.Stephanopoulos, 25th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering, Copenhagen,Denmark, May 31-June 4, 2015. Poster.
“Framework for the design and optimization of biorefinery networks”, A. I. Torres, T. Chaturvedi, Z. Al-Husseini, I. Cybulska, M.H. Thomsen, J. E. Schmidt, G. Stephanopoulos, American Instituteof Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 16-21, 2014. Oral.
“On the kinetics of the Sn-beta catalyzed isomerization of glucose into fructose ”, N. Rajabbeigi* , A. I. Torres* , B. Elyassi, C. M. Lew, L. Ren, Z. Wang, W. Fan, P. Daoutidis and M. Tsapatsis, Gordon Research Conference (Nanoporous Materials & Their Applications), Holderness, NH, August 11-16, 2013. Poster.
“Design and optimization of processes for the production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural ”, A. I.Torres, P. Daoutidis and M. Tsapatsis, Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation Spring Symposium, Newark, DE, April 29-30, 2012. Poster.
Ferreira, J., Ferrari, A., Benítez, A., Gutiérrez, S. (2012); Herramienta para la toma de decisiones para un reactor industrial de aireación extendida intermitente (IAEFR). V Encuentro Regional de Ingeniería Química y XXVI Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Química, (Montevideo – Uruguay). Paper in Spanish.
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Biscaia, E. (2012). Dual stochastic programming for data mining enhancement.Proceedings of 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 22 /Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, 1237-1241.
Gutiérrez, S., Ferrari, A., Benítez, A. (2011). Data mining and decision making tool development for an industrial dual sequential batch reactor. Proceedings of 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 21 / Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, 1080-1084.
“Biomass to Chemicals: Design of an Extractive Reaction Process for the Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural”, A. I. Torres, M. Tsapatsis and P. Daoutidis, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 16-21, 2011. Oral.
“Hierarchical Control of Networks Featuring Large Solvent Recycle”, S. S. Jogwar, A. I. Torres and P. Daoutidis, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 16-21, 2011. Oral.
“Biomass to Chemicals: Design of an Extractive Reaction Process for the Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural”, A. I. Torres, P. Daoutidis and M. Tsapatsis, 21st European Symposiumon Computer-Aided Process Engineering, Chalkidiki, Greece, May 29 - June 1, 2011. Oral.
Gutiérrez, S., Morales, A., Hernández, H., Lema, P. Effect of emulsion stability on anaerobic degradation of wool grease emulsions. Proccedings of 12th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Guadalajara , México, 2010.
“Design and Optimization of a Process for the Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural fromBiomass”, A. I. Torres, M. Tsapatsis and P. Daoutidis, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 8-13, 2009. Oral
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Biscaia, E. (2009). Optimal control law development in a sequential batch reactor through mixed integer particle swarm dynamic optimization. 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE 2009 / Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 1743-1748.
Ferrari, A., Biscaia Jr., E.C., Melo, P.A. (2008); Sequential batch reactor and plug flow reactor network comparison under dynamic conditions for wastewater treatment. 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR 2008, Braga - Portugal, 138–146.
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., Benítez, A., Canetti, R. (2008); Modelado Cinético y Desarrollo de Ley de Control para Reactores Batch Secuenciales Lácteos. IV Encuentro Regional de Ingeniería Química/2° Feria de la Industria Química y de Procesos EXPOQUIM 2008 (Montevideo – Uruguay). Paper in Spanish.
Gutiérrez, S., Cabrera, M., Benítez, A., Melani, E., Waste Characterization on Dairy Farms for diverse production conditions.Smallwat07 International Congress, Sevilla, España, 2007.
Gutiérrez, S.; Ferrari, A.; Benítez, A.; Travers, D.; Etchebehere, C. Long term evaluation of a SBR reactor treating dairy wastewater for C Removal. Seventh International Symposium on waste management problems in agro industries. Amsterdam , Holanda, 2006.
Gutiérrez, S. Cabrera, N. Criterios de diseño para lagunas de efluentes de tambo en condiciones nacionales. Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, Punta del Este, Uruguay, 2006.
Buitrón G., Canziani, R. Torrijos M., Gutiérrez, S.. Moreno-Andrade, I Mazouni, D. Fiocchi, N.. Ficara, E Moreno, G. Benítez, A. Pérez J. and Ferrari A. Experiments for modelling the biodegradation of wastewater in sequencing batch reactors. 5th MATHMOD, IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
Benítez, A.; Ferrari, A.; Gutierrez, S.; Canetti R.; Cabezas, A.; Travers, D.; Menes, J.; Etchebehere C. Sequencing Batch Reactor as a Post-treatment of anaerobically treated dairy effluent. 7º Taller y Simposio latinoamericano de digestión anaeróbica., Punta del Este, Uruguay, 2005.
- Tesis
- A. Ferrari, "Remoción no convencional de materia orgánica en reactor batch secuencial (análisis, modelado, data mining)", Tesis de maestría, Universidad de la República, 2010.
J. Ferreira, "Simulaçao dinâmica de evaporadores para aplicaçao em biorrefinarias", Tesis de maestría, Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
S. Gutiérrez, "Degradación anaerobia de emulsiones de grasa en efluentes de lavadero de lana", Tesis de doctorado, Universidad de la República, 2010.
A. I. Torres, "Biomass to chemicals: process design and kinetic studies for the conversion of sugars into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural", Tesis de doctorado, Universidad de Minnesota, 2013.
Líneas de investigación
Aquí puede descargar algunas presentaciones de las líneas de investigación del grupo de trabajo que hemos realizado recientemente.