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Aiala Rosa

Aiala Rosá is a full-time Associate Professor at the Instituto de Computación - Facultad de Ingeniería - UdelaR, she is currently the head of the NLP Group.

She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from PEDECIBA - UdelaR (Uruguay) and Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France), and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR.

Her main research lines include subjectivity analysis in social media, question & answering, temporal and factual analysis, and applications of language technologies for language teaching.

She was a member of the Steering Committee of IberLEF (Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum), held as part of the annual conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN), in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023. She was part of the organization groups of several shared tasks: HAHA (Humor Analysis Based on Human Annotation) 2018, FACT (Factuality Analysis and Classification Task) 2019, HAHA 2019, FACT 2020, HAHA 2021, QuALES (Question Answering. Learning from Examples in Spanish) 2022.

She is part of the organization group of SemEval 2024 and 2015.

She is chair of the organization committee of IBERAMIA 2024, which will be held in Montevideo in November.

Recent publications

Santiago Berruti, Arturo Collazo, Diego Sellanes, Aiala Rosá, and Luis Chiruzzo. 2024. Automatic Crossword Clues Extraction for Language Learning. In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024), pages 381–390, Mexico City, Mexico. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Ignacio Sastre, Leandro Alfonso, Facundo Fleitas, Federico Gil, Andrés Lucas, Tomás Spoturno, Santiago Góngora, Aiala Rosá, and Luis Chiruzzo. 2024. RETUYT-INCO at MLSP 2024: Experiments on Language Simplification using Embeddings, Classifiers and Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024), pages 618–626, Mexico City, Mexico. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Ojha, Atul Kr., Doğruöz, A. Seza, Tayyar Madabushi, Harish, Da San Martino, Giovanni, Rosenthal, Sara, Rosá, Aiala. 2024. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024). Association for Computational Linguistics. Mexico City, Mexico.

Filevich, J. P., Marco, G., Castro, S., Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. 2024. A Language Model Trained on Uruguayan Spanish News Text.  In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE): Focusing on Sustainability @ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 53–60, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.

Baladón, A., Sastre, I., Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. (2023, July). RETUYT-InCo at BEA 2023 Shared Task: Tuning Open-Source LLMs for Generating Teacher Responses. In Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023) (pp. 756-765).

Brown, R., Paez, S., Herrera, G., Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. (2023, May). Experiments on Automatic Error Detection and Correction for Uruguayan Learners of English. In Swedish Language Technology Conference and NLP4CALL (pp. 45-52).

Chiruzzo, L., Musto, L., Góngora, S., Carpenter, B., Filevich, J. P., & Rosá, A. (2022). Using NLP to Support English Teaching in Rural Schools. NLP4PI 2022, 113.

Rosá, A., Chiruzzo, L., Bouza, L., Dragonetti, A., Castro, S., Etcheverry, M., … & Wonsever, D. (2022). Overview of QuALES at IberLEF 2022: Question Answering. Learning from Examples in Spanish. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 69, 273-280.

Rosá, Aiala, Luis Chiruzzo, Santiago Góngora, Laura Musto. (2022). Cina Cina: Capacitación en INglés en el Aula Con INteligencia Artificial. 14o Foro de Lenguas de ANEP.

Andrea Delgado, Aiala Rosá, Adriana Marotta, Camila Sanz, Raquel Sosa, Mercedes Marzoa, Lorena Etcheverry. (2022). Virtual Hands-on Workshops to Bring Teenage Girls to Computer Science in Uruguay. Clepsydra Revista de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, v.: 23 p.:59 - 82.

Morón, M., Scocozza, J., Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. (2021, November). A Tool for Automatic Question Generation for Teaching English to Beginner Students. In 2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

González, B., Ivagnes, I., Lejtreger, J., Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. (2021, November). Application of Language Technologies to Assist English Teaching. In 2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Delgado, A., Rosá, A., Marotta, A., Sanz, C., Sosa, R., Marzoa, M., & Etcheverry, L. (2021). An experience on virtual hands-on workshops to bring teenage girls to Computer Science in Uruguay. In 13th Congress of Latin American Women in Computing, LAWCC 2021 (pp. 57-68).

Chiruzzo, L., & Rosá, A. (2021, September). RETUYT-InCo at EmoEvalEs 2021: Multiclass Emotion Classification in Spanish. In Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum(IberLEF 2021). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEURWS, Málaga, Spain.

Chiruzzo, L., Castro, S., Góngora, S., Rosá, A., Meaney, J. A., & Mihalcea, R. (2021). Overview of HAHA at IberLEF 2021: Detecting, Rating and Analyzing Humor in Spanish. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 67, 257-268.

Rosá, A., & Chiruzzo, L. (2021). Emotion Classification in Spanish: Exploring the Hard Classes. In Information, 12(11), 438.

Etcheverry, L., Agorio, L., Bacigalupe, V., Barreiro, S., Bing, E., Blixen, S., … & Randall, G. (2021). A computational framework for the analysis of the Uruguayan dictatorship archives. In Qurator 2021-Conference on Digital Curation Technologies, Berlin, Germany, 8-12 feb, page 1-15, 2021. Qurator 2021-Conference on Digital Curation Technologies.

Rosá A, Alonso L, Castellón I, Chiruzzo L, Curell H, Fernández Montraveta A, et al. Overview of FACT at IberLEF 2020: Events Detection and Classification. In: Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020) co-located with 36th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2020). On line: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2020.

Chiruzzo, L., Etcheverry, M., & Rosá, A. (2020). Sentiment Analysis in Spanish Tweets: Some Experiments with Focus on Neutral Tweets. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, (64).

Chiruzzo, L., Castro, S., & Rosá, A. (2020, May). HAHA 2019 Dataset: A Corpus for Humor Analysis in Spanish. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 5106-5112).


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